Local surf life savers to receive boost to capabilities

After a Christmas and new year period marked by tragedy and dozens of rescues along the Hunter coast more Surf Life Saving resources are being deployed.

Local volunteer lifesavers and lifeguards will have access to a new jet ski which is one of 14 that will be patrolling the state’s beaches over the rest of the summer.

They’re the first of a contingent of 67 that will be rolled out into the Surf Life Saving fleet as part of an $18 million dollar state government spend over the next four years.

Surf Life Saving NSW Chief Executive Steve Pearce says the vehicles will go a long way.

“Jet skis are the backbone of our Support Operations response capability, especially away from patrolled locations and in search and rescue situations.”

“It’s great to see our operator numbers expanding and in particular more female jet ski drivers coming on board.”

Image: Surf Life Saving NSW