Hunter Transmission Project preliminary route available for public comment

EnergyCo has chosen a preferred preliminary corridor for the Hunter Transmission Project.

The route runs mostly through land owned by power stations and mining companies – the 115-kilometre route starts at the Bayswater Power Station, then heads into the Pokolbin, Corrabare and Olney State Forests before following the existing 500 kilovolt transmission line through Martinsville and Cooranbong to Eraring.

The project does run through some private land with up to 80 potentially affected landowners.

The Hunter Transmission Project is one of the state’s most critical energy projects that must be built by 2028 to create a ring of 500 kilovolt transmission infrastructure that will be the backbone of the grid for generations to come.

The project will unlock electricity from the Central West – Orana Central West and the New England Renewable Energy Zone’s allowing it to be imported to the grid via Bayswater and then delivered to consumers.

EnergyCo is calling for community feedback on the route and are holding three drop in sessions in December.

The route is on public exhibition until December 18.

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