Eroded Stockton Beach Gets First 130,000m3 Dumping Of Sand


In a watershed moment for Stockton residents, the heavily eroded stretch of coastline has now been reinforced by 130,000 cubic metres of sand.

The dredging vessel, Trud R, has been in action non-stop over the last three weeks, taking sand from Newcastle Harbour to the southern end of Stockton Beach where it was sprayed into the surf zone.

Minister for Regional NSW Tara Moriarty said in an added bonus, an extra 30,000 cubic meters which had accumulated in the approved dredging location was able to be sourced and put to good use.

“We anticipated we would get at least 100,000 cubic metres of sand onto Stockton Beach in this initial phase of work, but I am delighted to share that we have exceeded those expectations to deliver even more.”

The NSW Government has steered the project while gathering key insights to help the Department of Planning and Environment map out the next steps.

With the $6.2 million opening stage now complete, the focus turns next month’s Taskforce meeting where a Blueprint for Stockton will be presented.

Minister Moriarty said investigations into sourcing further sand for Stockton Beach continue as the NSW Government works to deliver on its $21 million promise to find long term solutions for the coastal erosion problem.

“I know how important the beach is to the community, and how devastating it has been for them to see it washed away bit by bit, year after year. This work is just the beginning, and what we have learned from this process will inform our Government’s commitment to Stockton and future investigations into longer-term solutions.”

The project is being administered by the NSW Government, and jointly funded by the Albanese Government’s 2022-23 Coastal and Estuarine Risk Mitigation Program, and the City of Newcastle.