Don’t just ask R U OK today, ask it any day

Today is R U OK DAY and we’re being reminded that a conversation, on any day of the year, could save a life.

New research has found that when asked if they were OK, two in five people who said they were, were not.

The R U OK team say we need to make sure when we plan to ask someone if they are ok, that we do it in an environment they’re comfortable in, make sure they know they can trust us and ensure we show that we genuinely care.

It’s not just about today though – R U OK DAY is about building a culture of checking in with those we care about any day of the year.

“You need to ask this question because you mean it. If you really care and want to hear an honest answer, be genuine with your ask, make space to listen and let the person know you’re sticking around for whatever comes next,” said Katherine Newton, R U OK? CEO.

“We know the positive impact an R U OK? conversation have when people know and trust each other. This usually means that trust has been built over time, they’re familiar with each other’s routines and behaviours, and they likely know what’s going on in each other’s lives.

“This trust, along with consideration of the where and when a conversation will take place contributes to making an R U OK? conversation truly meaningful.”

Let the people in your world know you’re here, to really hear, because a conversation could change a life.

You can find FREE resources at to help you know when and how to ask, ‘Are you OK?’ in your workplace, school and community and plan your R U OK?Day 2023 activities.

For support at any time of day or night, Lifeline provides free and confidential crisis support. Call 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14 or chat online at:

13YARN is a free 24/7 service offering crisis support for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people. Call 13YARN (13 92 76).