Newcastle Marine Rescue’s new home nearly complete

The new home for Newcastle’s Marine Rescue is on track to be finished by winter.

For the better part of 17 years, the volunteer service was based at Shepherds Hill Cottage, but after the roof was torn off in the 2015 super storm, the service has been bounced around to temporary facilities ever since.

Ten months ago the first sod was turned on their new $3 million home at the western end of King Street adjacent to the South Stockton boat ramp, all structural steel, trusses and frames have been installed on the first floor level.

The blockwork and lift shaft on the ground level has been completed while specialised roofing materials have been sourced with the roof to be installed shortly.

Marine Rescue Newcastle Deputy Unit Commander Lyn Van Homrigh said members are looking forward to calling the new facility home by the end of June.

“The construction of the new base has generated a lot of interest and support for Marine Rescue NSW with a number of potential new volunteers making enquiries from Stockton and surrounding communities.

“We’ve already had several new members join and others have expressed an interest in Marine Rescue NSW as a direct result of the development,

“The facility at Stockton will also allow the expansion of the Newcastle Unit’s search and rescue capabilities.”

The Newcastle base at Stockton will feature a new radio room along with crew facilities providing Marine Rescue NSW volunteers with an all-weather space to train and from which to coordinate life-saving emergency responses.

The new facility has been funded by a $2 million grant from the Department of Planning and Environment – Crown Lands with the remainder coming from the NSW State Government’s commitment of $37.6 million to Marine Rescue NSW in 2019.