Final stage of East End revitalisation unveiled

Designs for the final stage of the East End revitalisation in Newcastle have been unveiled.

It was chosen by an independent competition jury, who unanimously selected the architectural design submitted by SJB, Durbach Block Jaggers and Curious Practice.

The $880 million project from Iris Capital, is onto it’s last stage which includes the redevelopment of 3 Morgan Street and 22 Newcomen Street.

The winning design will see the construction of 235 apartments across five buildings, as well as 1,731 square metres of retail space and around 300 parking spaces.

A Market Square with public space will also be constructed, which will have multiple viewing corridors to the harbour, along with green spaces.

Iris Capital CEO Sam Anaout says he is greatful for the high quality of design that tall of the architects displayed.

“This is a critically important and significant development for the city, that will bring to life across Iris’ land, a long-held vision to connect Newcastle Harbour to Cathedral Park.


“The winning design has unquestionably delivered on its purpose to achieve design excellence and has maintained the Christ Church Cathedral as the city’s prominent landmark structure with a family of beautiful buildings that follow the topography and mesh with the built form of the hill.  


“Like stage one, which has been embraced by the community and is critically acclaimed, the final stages will be similarly recognisable though the adaptation of designs that draw inspiration from existing Newcastle architecture and retention of key heritage buildings. 


“The competition has been the catalyst that will enable Iris Capital to deliver a truly world-class amenity through an efficient design that future residents will be proud to call home,” Mr Arnaout said. 

A development application for the site will be lodged by Iris Capital by the end of the year.