Maybury Peace Park getting a facelift

Maybury Peace Park is getting a facelift after a $300,000 grant arrived from the NSW Government.

Cessnock City Council received the grant through the Stronger Country Communities Fund to finish the work that was planned with the local community and adopted by Council in May last year.

The upgrade will include new and exciting play elements such as inground trampolines, an accessible spinner, net swings and sand play. The project will also allow for improved access via new pathway connections, along with landscaping works.

To ensure the safety of residents, the works will be fenced off, however the main playground will be predominantly accessible for the community to utilise during construction.

Cessnock City Council Mayor Jay Suvaal said improving our local parks and playgrounds was one of his priorities as Mayor and he looked forward to seeing the project get underway.

“Maybury Peace Park has always been so popular within the community, and these improvements will take this much-loved park to a new level,” Mayor Suvaal said.

“Both of my kids love going to the park, so I’m sure they, along with other local kids and their families will enjoy the new facilities and equipment once the project is complete.”

Works are expected to be completed in November 2022, weather permitting.