Police Dog Yule tracks down offenders during a lengthy pursuit at Newcastle

A police dog has tracked down two offenders during a lengthy pursuit at Newcastle yesterday.

Newcastle City Police District officers sighted a reported stolen car driving erratically at New Lambton at about 8am on Thursday and when they attempted to stop it, it sped off.

A pursuit was initiated which was soon called off due to public safety concerns – instead PolAir was engaged who tracked down the car to Black Hill on the city’s fringe.

The driver and the passenger dumped the vehicle after crashing it and ran in different directions, but Police Dog Yule was hot on the passenger’s tail and detained them quickly until police arrested the person.

At the same time, Yule’s handler was in foot pursuit of the driver. While police were taking care of the passenger, Yule disengaged himself from them and assisted his handler in chasing the driver.

Yule overtook his handler and detained the 34-year-old driver.

Police checks discovered the driver had a warrant which was issued in 2016 and when officers searched the vehicle they allegedly located several weapons and illicit drugs.

Both the driver and passenger were taken to Waratah Police Station where they were charged.