Roadworks Starting Near John Hunter Hospital

There could be some changed traffic conditions around the John Hunter Hospital from today, with road works set to begin.

Over the next 6 weeks, resurfacing upgrades will take place in front of the hospital while the road alongside it will also be turned into a two-way street.

It’s all in a bid to improve traffic flow in the area but Wallsend MP, Sonia Hornery says this will only help in the short time.

“We really need to look at expediting the completion of the Newcastle Inner City Bypass from Jesmond to Rankin Park…(that) would really ease congestion.”

She’s also calling for a return of the shuttle service from McDonald Jones Stadium to the hospital, to get more people on public transport.

Starting tonight, roadworks will be carried out from 6:30pm to 5:30am on weeknights.

Entrances and exits may change throughout the project, so traffic controllers will be on site to direct motorists.


Image: Google