Singleton Council Rolling Out the Solar Panels

The future’s looking bright for Singleton, with Council planning to install 12 new solar panels in the area by the end of the year.

They’ve now chosen a tender to install the panels, which will come at a cost of $997,425.

However, Council says it’ll see a return on its investment in just seven short years before they start saving $126,652 in energy bills annually.

The panels will be installed at:

* Booster Pump at Whittingham
* Administration Building and Auditorium
* Colleen Gale Children’s Centre
* Library
* Visitor Information Centre
* Waste Management Facility
* Youth Centre
* Waste Depot
* Water Treatment Plant

Another panel will also be installed at the Gym & Swim facility, which is Council’s biggest user of energy.

That panel alone is set to save up to $43,381 in energy costs every year.


Image: Singleton Council’s Executive Manager Projects, Mark Ihlein and Electrical Engineer Ibrar Shah at the Sewer Treatment Plan